I am here to help you
The demands on Chief Executives, Fundraising Directors, Fundraising Managers and Fundraisers of small to medium sized charities are often relentless. I offer mentoring in a safe, confidential place, to think through ideas and strategies that fit your skills and the needs of your cause in a way that will help you grow as individuals.
The mentoring is personalised and can benefit both new and established fundraising professionals who may have moved or been promoted to a new role.
It’s like having a personal trainer. But rather than training for your body, this is personal development training to help you do a better job, work effectively with Trustees and lay leaders, develop new competencies, succeed, improve, work effectively with your team and ultimately help you increase income into your charity.
With the mentoring I give, you get to create strategies in your real day-to-day working life, bring useful and usable skills into your working practice and I will help you work at them until they work for you.
Please call me on 07770 262351 or email me at if you would like to have an initial conversation about my fundraising mentoring support.