60 activities for 60 years for 60 charities
For my 60th birthday, I have set myself 60 activities I want to do/achieve around my 60th birthday.
I would also like to raise as much money as I can for 60 chosen charities associated with the activities.
Always wanted to go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and we did in August 2018 and had a great time.

Chosen Charity
Impact Arts Edinburgh work with young people on the basis that creativity can be a vehicle for change.
Scuba Diving
On my way to PADI 1 Certificate.
Have completed Part A in December 2020 in the pool - just waiting to do PART B when the weather gets warmer!

Chosen Charity
Scuba diving for people with disabilities and disadvantages
Half Marathon
I did it !! For the first time in my life, I took part in a marathon. London Winter Walk January 2022 Half Marathon. Had an amazing day, walking around the Thames and over many bridges.
And, more importantly, raised over £3,000 for
Great Ormond St Hospital

Every day, 619 children and young people from across the UK arrive at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex illnesses, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs. And every day is a chance for you to make a difference.
Clear out the loft
Lockdown enabled us to FINALLY clear-out 30+years of all our old scrapbooks, kid's school books, photos, old t-shirts, stuff from our parents and a whole lot more. Two skips full. Three months of passing down, looking through, photographing and ultimately chucking away most of it.
November 2020- January 2021.
That was an effort - but it's done !!!

Chosen Charity
All Aboard
click to donate goods
Aboard Shops charity shops that raise funds from donated goods that have provided hospital equipment, outings and respite care for the terminally ill children, research projects, and learning programmes, as well as contributing towards residential care for the elderly.
Abba Museum,
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life...... and we did in July 2023 -
we spent almost 3 hours ! in the Abba Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.
Great fun, very educational.
Walked in singing, walked out dancing.

Chosen Charity
Waterloo Uncovered is a registered UK charity that combines a world‐class archaeology project on the battlefield of Waterloo with veteran care and recovery.
Islands in the Stream
August 2021 - Nicky and I had a lot of fun making a studio recording of
Islands In The Stream.
If you want to a good laugh, click on play.
This is not pleasant.
You have been warned.

Chosen Charity
Future Talent
Inspiring future generations of musical talent, providing access to life-changing opportunities to young musicians from low-income backgrounds
Day out in
Yeh !
Nicky and I finally got visit the beautiful city of Bath on Sunday 16th February 2020.
It was a bit rainy and windy but we had a great time.

Chosen Charity
Bath Preservation Trust
Promoting high standards of planning and architecture in Bath, striving to ensure the future success of our special heritage city through conservation, education and museums
Nicky and I went to Northern Ireland and to Belfast in August 2020. I had wanted to visit this city which I grew up hearing about on the news in my lifetime, but never understood. It was a meaningful and troubling visit. We learnt that whilst the violence had dissipated (for now) , the mistrust, hatred and divisions remain. Yet other parts of our 2 day visit were hopeful and positive. A complex part of the world.

Chosen Charity
Co-operation Ireland
Works to promote and encourage interaction, dialogue, and practical collaboration between the peoples of Northern Ireland and between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Let It Be
Can't play the piano for Toffees.
But if I am going to learn one song,
it has to be Let it Be.

Chosen Charity
KIND Liverpool
Making a difference in the lives of thousands of disadvantaged children and families from across Liverpool and Merseyside.
Taj Mahal
We finally made it in December 2023. It was truly spectacular. Breathtaking. A sight like no other we have seen before

Chosen Charity
Of the 26 million Indian children who enter first grade each year, half will reach fifth grade unable to read or write. Founded in partnership with UNICEF and the Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Pratham has worked for over two decades to address this education crisis.
A lovely evening at an "Archery - Have a Go" session in June 2021 enjoyed by Nicky and myself. Of course, Nicky was better than me.

Chosen Charity
British Blind
Archery Club
Helping visually impaired people play archery.
for a day
My ornithological quest was finally achieved when Nicky and I went to a bird sanctuary in Conwy, North Wales in August 2021. We had a brilliant time with our guides Alan and Ruth

Chosen Charity
Click to join
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds focuses on protecting species of birds and help nurture their recovery, through a combination of research, partnerships, landscape-scale conservation and policy work.
Get to see a real igloo -
hopefully made of real snow
and in an Arctic country.

Chosen Charity
Chabad Iceland
Provide for the spiritual & material needs of all Jews in Iceland - regardless of their background, affiliation or financial means, and to provide insight and explanation on Judaism’s history and universal values to our friends beyond the Jewish community who would like to learn more.
Yom Ha'atzmaut
in Israel
Spent nearly all my professional life organising Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations in London.
Time to be there for the real thing.

Chosen Charity
UJIA invests in young people's education in Israel and connects the UK Jewish community with the people of Israel.
Cookery Lesson
In September 2020, Fabienne gave me and my beautiful family an evening of joy and cooking teaching us how to make Tomato soup with Pistachio pesto, Gyoza/ dumplings, Bao Buns, Moist chocolate cake and Chocolate molten cake. We all leant a lot and stuffed our faces !

Chosen Charity
Kids Cookery School
The Kids' Cookery School's works with young people, many of whom may have severe physical and learning disabilities, behavioural problems or been excluded from mainstream education.
Daf Yomi
This is a biggy. I have already started
(Jan 4th 2020) on this 14th cycle of
Daf Yomi - learning a page of Talmud each day for 7 1/2 years.
Due to be completed June 7th 2027.

Chosen Charity
Click to donate
Limmud enables every participant to take one step further on his or her Jewish journey
for a day
Following in the footsteps of Moses, I tried my hand at being a shepherd. We took part in the Worshipful Company of Woolmen Great Annual Sheep Drive across Southwark Bridge in September 2021.Nicky and I had a lot fun, particularly travelling from Stanmore on the Jubilee Line in the Moses costume.

Chosen Charity
Muslim Hands
United for the Needy
For families in need in Muslim countries, it is a struggle to meet their daily food and clothing needs. This single gift will provide a family with a constant supply of milk and wool for wrapping up warm in the winter.
Question Time
I got to be in the audience on BBC Question Time and had an opportunity to speak.
Sadly it was the programme following the outbreak of the Israel/Gaza War in October 2023

Chosen Charity
BBC Children in Need
Click to donate
Supports grassroots organisations and project workers in every corner of the UK, who provide the vital relationships and support to help the children who need it most
Desert Island
Thanks to the amazing Nigel Rothband who helped, guided, interviewed, arranged and hosted the recording of my own Desert Island Discs in November 2022. (And to Leon who recorded it all).Eight pieces of music portraying the mosaic of my life. You can view the video here or download just the audio here.

Chosen Charity
Plastic Oceans UK
Campaigning, educating and researching solutions to protect our ocean from plastic
Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana 5782 (2021). After years of seeing an assortment of weird, hippy like Chasidim going to Uman on Rosh Hashana, I am going to go and experience it for myself - and maybe take a few friends with me!

Chosen Charity
Breslov Research Institute
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Focuses its efforts on invigorating the Jewish soul through publishing and producing in all contemporary formats the timeless wisdom of Hasidic master, storyteller, and Kabbalist Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Elvis Festival
Viva Las Vegas! Viva Weston Super Mare!
We had such a fun time at the Harbour Lights Elvis Festival 2020. We met and spoke to dozens of ETA's (Elvis Tribute Artists) and sang and danced and watched in utter amazement!

Chosen Charity
Elvis Presley Endowed Scholarship Fund
Assist students from the University of Memphis majoring in areas that relate to Elvis' own career: music, film, television, theatre, etc
I have to do this.
One week at a Yeshiva - full on - no trimmings. Just Talmud, Tanach, Philosophy
all day every day.

Chosen Charity
Midreshet Harova
Provides a high level religious Zionist educational experience for young women from the Diaspora. Liora attended in 2013/2014.
Zip Wire
I am told it's not that easy but have yet to experience it.
Very up for having a go.

Chosen Charity
Bushey Eruv
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The Bushey Eruv allows members of the Jewish community in Bushey to follow the same rules on Shabbat, both in the home, and outside the home within the Eruv.
Tai Chi
I'd like to have at least one or two Tai Chi experiences. It looks so peaceful and healthy and very detoxicating. Is that a word?

Chosen Charity
Tai Chi for Better Health
Click to donate
Training Tai Chi Instructors - giving better balance, improved mobility, relaxation, relief from stress, anxiety and depression and an overall improvement in health and well being.
Feed an Elephant
Not wanting to ride an elephant, we decided to feed one on our trip to India in December 2023

Chosen Charity
Born Free-
Elephants in Crisis
Campaigning for a global ban on the trade in Elephant ivory since 1989
Hot Air Balloon
Finally, finally. After trying to do this for more than 10 years (cancellation year on year) I finally went up, up and away in July 2024 over Oxfordshire. It was amazing. Really calm, really peaceful and a view of earth that you don't normally get to see.

Chosen Charity
Cloud Appreciation Society
Click to join
Seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of a person’s countenance.
Sound of Music
We had a blast in March 2019. We dressed up, got on the bus, did the Sound of Music tour, sang all the songs and visited many of the scenes from the greatest musical movie of all time !

Chosen Charity
The Von Trapp Foundation
Click to donate
The Georg & Agathe Foundation's hope is to spread some goodness in the world. Their mission is to give back and preserve and share history. They concentrate on three focus areas, to: champion music and art, promote connection, and archive and educate.
Learn Golf
Never before had I picked up a club let alone hit the ball (except for crazy golf). So, finally, in June 2021, I had my first proper golf lesson bought for my 60th birthday from my beautiful wife Nicky.

Chosen Charity
Anthony Nolan Trust
Click to donate
Every day, we match incredible individuals willing to donate their blood stem cells or bone marrow to people with blood cancer and blood disorders who desperately need lifesaving transplants.
Drive-in Movie
Thanks to COVID 19 with not much else to do, Liora, Dan, Nicky and myself went to a Drive In Movie and watched GREASE in July 2020

Chosen Charity
Brings the real benefits of cinematherapy to patients and their families throughout the UK.
Nicky and I had a great evening in August 2020 at Bushey Pottery learning the skills on the Potters Wheel (we each made a cup) as well as hand building (we each made a bowl).
Lots of fun, thanks to Lucy our teacher

Chosen Charity
Click to donate
Does remarkable work with people who have learning disability, autism and other complex needs such as visual and hearing impairment . . . they enjoy and love attending pottery classes in the London Borough of Barnet.
Never done it. Many of my friends have with their kids but I managed to either avoid it or wasn't very interested in doing it.
But, now is the time.

Chosen Charity
Community RePaint
Community RePaint is a UK wide paint reuse network, sponsored by Dulux, that aims to collect this leftover paint and redistribute it to benefit individuals, families, communities and charities in need at an affordable cost.
Be an Extra
Inspired by one if my favourite comedy series, Ricky Gervais' "Extras", it's time for my
10 seconds of fame on either TV or in a film. Keep a look out for me on Coronation Street
(or something like that).

Chosen Charity
Film & TV Charity
Delivers financial and emotional support services to those in the Tv and Film industry including a 24/7 Support Line, awards to help people overcome barriers and support their families and travel to work opportunities
Digitzing all our old photos
Thanks to lockdown in 2020/2021, I was able to digitize all our old photos from the hundreds of photo albums in our loft. It took more than two months to do - one by one - all 13,500 of them scanned. Now we have a rich history of our lives to share with generations to come.

Chosen Charity
Helping people get through the everyday burden of dealing with the practicalities of your household paperwork and bureaucracy can become intolerable in a time of crisis.
Message in a Bottle
With the help of Simon, Mel and Nicky, we cast away 6 bottles with messages in them from the end of Brighton Pier on a wet and windy day in October 2021.

Chosen Charity
Rays of Sunshine
Click to donate
Brightens the lives of seriously ill young people and their families by granting wishes and providing ongoing support in hospital and within the community.
Yes we did. Grandpadave, Grandma Nicky took Ariella, her Mummy and Daddy and Uncle Asher to Butlins Minehead for 4 memorable days in July 2024. It was a lot of fun and very reasonable..

Chosen Charity
Click to donate
GOSH Charity has been the chosen charity partner since January 2015 however the relationship started well before 2015. Founder Sir Billy Butlin donated funds to purchase the UK's first paediatric CT scanner at the hospital back in 1977
Sign Language
I did an introduction course to BSL (British Sign Language) on Zoom in May/June 2022. The whole 8 weeks was in silence. Very pleased that I did it. Learnt some basics and met some interesting people. The teacher, Anthony Rabin, was a teenage member at Redbridge Club back in the 1980's when I was a Youth Worker.

Chosen Charity
Jewish Deaf Association
Click to donate
Dedicated to supporting everyone who is deaf or hard of hearing - people of all faiths and none, at all stages of life.
Star Wars
I am ashamed to say that I have only ever seen the very first Star Wars movie back in 1977. I know,I know it's a hang my head in shame moment. But all that will be put right when I watch all the Star Wars movies back to back over an upcoming holiday.

Chosen Charity
Share A Star
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Sends a positive message of hope to seriously unwell children to make them feel extra special by creating a unique holding star. Each star is handmade and features the youngster’s favourite things.
Harry Potter
I watched all the Harry Potter films with Nicky, Liora and Dan January - May 2022. Not sure I understood all the characters but it was lovely spending time with them in front of the telly.

Chosen Charity
Click to donate
Founded by J K Rowling, Lumos rescues children from orphanages and reunite them with families. We change education, health and social care systems so all children and families can access the care and protection they deserve.
Watch every episode of
Only Fools and Horses
It took a while, but I finished watching all 67 episodes of Only Fools and Horses in November 2021. Genius comedy, brilliant characters and such clever storylines. An absolute delight to watch. Lovely Jubbly !!

Chosen Charity
Peckham Theatre
Click to donate
Flagship cultural venue that serves its local community, providing skills and opportunities, working with excellent creatives in a venue that is both locally focussed with a national and international vision.
Airfix Model
This was the first Airfix model I had made in my life. After 3 days, I realised why I hadn't bothered before. Then I started to get into it, and quite enjoyed it. It will probably be the only one I ever make and am rather quite proud of it. August 2024.

Chosen Charity
RAF Museum
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Telling the fascinating story of the RAF and of the thousands of ordinary Servicemen and women who have served in it and whose invaluable contribution has shaped the world that we live in today.
Flying Lesson
I did it. I flew a plane for about 10 minutes over the Dartford River Crossing and the Thames. Lovely morning, great experience. August 2020

Chosen Charity
Click to donate
Aerobility provides many people with disabilities to push the boundaries and experience the exhilaration of completing an aviation.
own a share in a
Yeah! We own a share in a Racehorse. LADY DE VEGA. Who knows. May not be too long before we are standing in the paddock as the winner of The Grand National or Cheltenham Gold Cup or The Derby? Maybe?

Chosen Charity
The Racehorse
Click to donate
helps provide a Life After Racing through our Rehabilitation, Retraining and Sanctuary Programmes.
Have started to grow my own vegetables in the garden and with the intention to eat them as part of one of our Friday night Shabbat meals.

I feel that I have to be there on the front line at a future climate change protest. Not for me but for my grandchildren. Inspired by the Gran character on BBC's Years on Years TV Series, I am going to play my part.

Chosen Charity
Extinction Rebellion
Click to donate
The science is clear: It is understood that we are facing an unprecedented global emergency. We are in a life or death situation of our own making.
We must act now
Thank you to Richard Sarsby who organised a fascinating visit for me and Nicky to Pentonville Prison in July 2022. A memorable, educational and difficult morning. A rare experience.

Chosen Charity
Sing Inside
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Delivers group singing workshops in prisons, connecting volunteers drawn from the local community with their local prison communities. Our workshops use musical learning to build confidence, break down social stigma and strengthen communities
Northern Lights
I have been convinced by Nicky that we should see the Northern Lights. And I agree, we should.

Chosen Charity
Northern Lights Charity
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A children’s charity formed to raise funds to give children with life limiting illnesses the unique experience of a very special holiday to see Santa in Lapland.
Gavin & Stacey Tour
We did it. We finally boarded Dave's Coaches and went on the Gavin and Stacey Tour in
Barry Island in South Wales in August 2021.
I am not gonna lie - it was a lot of fun.

Chosen Charity
Sunshine Coaches
Click to donate
Variety Sunshine Coaches offers specially adapted, accessible transport for SEND schools and other non-profit organisations working with disabled or disadvantaged children and young people.
Soup Kitchen
Volunteer in a Soup Kitchen for a day

Chosen Charity
Manna Meir Pannim
Meir Panim is on the front line of the daily battle against poverty and hunger in Israel.
Learn to read Music
Decided that this is a skill that I would like to acquire in the hope that it encourages me to play an instrument at this stage in my life

Chosen Charity
The Amber Trust
Click to donate
Providing musical opportunities for blind and partially sighted children, and children with more complex needs, via its Music Awards and Music Services.
Start on my
Family Tree
Made a start on the Family Tree in May 2022 using myheritage.com. Loving doing it. A great project to hand on to future generations.

Chosen Charity
Royal Free Charity
Click to donate
Our ambitions are to help every patient get the best journey though diagnosis and treatment surrounded by 'Friends' who provide help whenever needed.
Santa School
In July 2022, I enrolled at Santa School (in Coventry) to learn how to be a Santa.
Pleased to say that I passed and look forward to bringing joy in the years to come

Chosen Charity
Turkey Rescue
Click to donate
Turkey Rescue gives these beautiful birds a free, safe and happy life for however long that may be.
Drive a
Rolls Royce
December 2021. Thanks to my friend Paul Adams for arranging and Roger Dudding for supplying, I got to drive Roger's Rolls Royce.
It was a dream to drive. Fantastic.
I have just ordered one !

Chosen Charity
Give a Car
Click to donate your car
An ethical, hassle-free way of getting rid of your scrap car for charity
Thanks to Andrew and Gayle
I now have a hammock
and am enjoying it pictured here
with my beautiful great niece
Sofia The Baby.

Chosen Charity
Swings & Smiles
Click to donate
Swings & Smiles is a place to play for children with special needs and their families
Milking a Cow
In October 2020, with the help and support of Liora, we travelled to Ahimsa Eco-Farm near Rutland where I had a very beautiful and meaningful experience milking both Violet and her daughter Buttercup.

Chosen Charity
Ahimsa Dairy
Click to donate
“Ahimsa” farming is the traditional, ancient Indian method of farming. “Ahimsa” means “non-violent”, and so Ahimsa farming does not entail any harm to the animals or land. Some would call it ‘Yoga farming’, or working in natural harmony with the land.
I actually love Show Jumping.
Thank you Simon and Mel for a great day out at Hickstead with Nicky in July 2022.

Chosen Charity
Caring for over 1,500 horses, ponies, donkeys and mules every single day at our sanctuary sites around the UK
Went to a Sotheby's Auction in May 2022 of Faberge Eggs and artefacts. Very interesting. Didn't bid- slightly outside my price range

Chosen Charity
MacMillan UK
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We are millions of people affected by cancer, supporters, professionals, volunteers, and campaigners. We all have one thing in common – our care and support for people living with cancer.
Sgt Bilko
Watch all the episodes of the entire series of The Phil Silvers Show - better known as Sgt. Bilko

Chosen Charity
The Silver Line
The Silver Line is the UK's only confidential, free helpline for lonely and isolated older people open every day and night of the year
A lovely morning out with Nicky and Liora at Parkside Farm in Enfield in August 2020 where we picked strawberries, blackberries, raspberries corn, courgettes, green beans, onions and beetroots.

Chosen Charity
Hosting for the Hungry
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We are fortunate to be able to invite family and friends to dinner parties and celebratory meals regularly. We have decided, instead of receiving gifts, to ask our guests to help us raise money to help alleviate hunger. Every year we will distribute what we have raised to two charities working to eradicate hunger.
Well, at least I tried it. With my niece Stacey we headed to a Fishery in Upmintser in August 2021. It was interesting (and a bit boring).
Not sure that I am going to take it up as a pastime in my retirement !

Chosen Charity
Get hooked on fishing
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Provides positive experiences, life skills and opportunities. Using mentors and qualified coaches, we engage young people in a range of angling-based activities
Learn to Juggle
August 2021 - Thanks to a lesson gifted for my 60th from Hannah and Barny, juggling teacher Paul taught me the technique. Just need to practice now before my first on stage performance !!!

Chosen Charity
The Clown Doctors offer an impartial way of entertaining, supporting and empowering children who may be struggling with fear, boredom, loss of control and other insecurities related to their stay in hospital.